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Wisdom and Discernment. Patience and Understanding. Remembering Bob.


Bob the Flight Instructor
Being a little competitive in my younger years, I recall waiting to demonstrate my impressive sprinting talents in the first PE class which brought together several feeder schools in grade 7 middle school. It was John McMillan who exploded like a gazelle on the track and left me in the dust. At BCAI Centre, Bob Massie was John McMillan in boots and coveralls. I was a good cowman and budding judge, but Bob was better…without ever seeking attention.

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Some Days are Diamonds, Some Days are Stones

As we come upon the One Year milestone of my nephew Marc’s miraculous heart transplant, I wanted to share the followup stories of these remarkable people related to our dairy community. Tough journeys can still be punctuated with happy stretches and gratitude. I offer my deep thanks to Marc, Kim/George, and Jeremy for their perseverance, faith and inspiration. I’m sure their updates will resonate with many others in our broad dairy community – for now, their days are diamonds. Please consider registering as an organ donor if you haven’t already – transplant.bc.ca.

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Happy Birthday BC Holstein News!


40 Years Old and Looking Good!


It was the spring of 1979 and four very enthusiastic guys were plotting out the beginnings of an inaugural purebred sale which would super-charge the BC Holstein breeding industry for many years. Dick Carlson, Pete Beck, John Brown and Gerry Holt unintentionally ruffled a few feathers at the BC Branch with their big plans for the Dogwood Classic sale. The sale would become a CFV Holstein Club event and by all accounts, it was a roaring success. But what every big event needs is promotion! And that was the genesis of the BC Holstein News story… 40 years ago!

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